Wednesday, 26 August 2015

did you know

Did you know that people have enjoyed chocolate for over three thousand years. The cacao tree. This tree grows the pods and beans used to make chocolate





Wednesday, 19 August 2015

who am I

I have black hair.
I am naughty.
I have a jewel on my dress.
I am a girl.
I have long sleeves.
I am red and black. 
My dress is soft.
I am in a book with a mouse.
I am also a mouse.
I live in the dark.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

my maths goal

My maths goal is I can solve problems by counting back in tens and ones 

my reading goal

 My reading goais back up and reread                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

writing goal

The goal that I am working on is 
I can use some spelling patterns to spell unknown words.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

art gallery

Today Room 8 and Room 9 went to the art gallery. We went at 10:15am and we came back at 12:00pm. The things there were quite fragile so you have to be careful. It was so much fun. We learnt a bit about Parihaka and we had to do some activities. We explored lots of rooms. My favourite room was the room that had colorful fountions

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Tuesday, 4 August 2015


On Friday  Room 3 came to room 8 and  we made some news paper clothes. In my group there were three other girls . They were Aimee , Georgia and Bella. We made them with news paper . How you make a fairy outfit out of news paper.

1. Wrap news paper around the person.

2. Give them a wand by twisting up news paper.

3. If you want make them a hat.

4. Make them paper wings.

5. Make them a bracelet

6. Show it off 
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