Tuesday, 15 September 2015

cross country

Zoom The days went faster then I thought.I was so so nervous about the cross country. There were heaps of children competing in Frankley school. I was watching everyone until it was my turn. I felt pumped. Since everyone did it so could I.ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like I was going to pass out.I was in the lead until Kiahn passed me. I came 2nd I was proud of myself. I was congratulating people and cheering for people until the cross country was over.    

Sunday, 6 September 2015

did you know

Some wasps live with other wasps.

Wasps get wood to make their nest.

They make the wood into paper.

They make a nest with the paper.

A wasp nest has little rooms.

Some little rooms are for the baby wasps.