Sunday, 12 June 2016

Optometrist Visit

On Saturday I went to the optometrist to get my eyes tested.First I had to look through a machine and you would see a house that went in and out of focus.Then the optometrist pointed at some letters and I had to read them out (I could not figure out one letter).Next the optometrist told me to look at this metal ball on a metal stick.After that the optometrist told me to look in different directions and I could see the veins inside my eyeball.Then my eye test was done and the optometrist said that i need glasses because I am partly long sighted.

                    these are the glasses that i'm getting                                                      


  1. A very informative piece of writing Ella, everyone who reads this will know what to expect if they go for an eye test. I can't wait to see you in your glasses, I'm sure you will look gorgeous.

  2. Wow Ella I think that those glasses will really suit you.
    Also what a great story that was.Violet.

  3. WOW Ella! I think that your glasses will suet you really well.

  4. Good job Ella and by the way your glasses look fantastic on you and i like the colour of them.

  5. What a great descriptive story Ella. Well written!

